please post more!!!!
rolling rock
JoinedPosts by rolling rock
Elder Manual - 10 Year Anniversary
by Black Man inok.......this year marks the 10th annniversary when the wts unleashed the "pay attention to the flock" book a.k.a the top secret elder manual.
in honor of that milestone i'll post some memorable gems from what is now the modern-day holy grail.....(parenthetical comments are mine)........ sexual misconduct, including; adultery, fornication, and other forms of "'a..": .
uncleanness includes an intentional momentary touching of sexual parts or caressing of breasts.
Sunday Meeting 9/23/01
by peaceloveharmony insorry all, this is quite long.....and of course, nothing new.
but i found it interesting...i've been out 9 years and this all sounds eerily similar, like i'd heard this bs all before...... ------------------.
opening song #91, being taught by jehovah.
rolling rock
Nice post Harm... BOOK ;)
Greetings from Newbie
by c5 inmy name is cari.
i am fairly new here.
here is my story.. i was "raised in the truth".
rolling rock
wecome i am new to and live in mn(mpls) so do some other people on the board... we should all get together some time...
CO's visit sunday 9/23/01
by peaceloveharmony inhey all, .
well, i was just invited to attend the meeting on sunday, the co is visiting and my mother told me the talk will be a good one.
i don't know if i can stomach sitting thru this!
rolling rock
Circuit Overseer = Bishop
JW's for Dummies (Part V)
by Preston in... you feel invisible.... very few of your fellow brothers and sisters feel inclined to talk to you now.
youre viewed as dangerous...funny, youve never felt this way about yourself.. .
you start feeling like a scapegoat..... .
rolling rock
OMG Funny funny stuff!!!! rolling around on the floor.. where did you get all the faces?
by troubled ini know i said i'm leaving this forum, but i had to say just one more thing about why.
please read my post to the thread about personal attacks.
(if you have time and/or interest).. thanks!
rolling rock
this is a public fourm.. dont be such a baby this happens on all internet forums... say it one time with me, IT'S JUST THE INTERNET....
Hi i am new
by rolling rock inhay all i am new and, just wanted to say hi.... and ask a question... how would i go about talking to my fokes about all the new "truths" that i have learned in the last few months?.
chad inactive jw for 9 years now.... thanks
rolling rock
I don't think that this would be the best one to check out first, caz there are some real dumb asses on this site from what I have seen.(just a few)but mybe some one else will tell you where to look first befor cuming on this site...
Hi i am new
by rolling rock inhay all i am new and, just wanted to say hi.... and ask a question... how would i go about talking to my fokes about all the new "truths" that i have learned in the last few months?.
chad inactive jw for 9 years now.... thanks
rolling rock
Thank you all for the nice words... I will keep no reading your fourm and post from time to time...
Thanks Chad
Hi i am new
by rolling rock inhay all i am new and, just wanted to say hi.... and ask a question... how would i go about talking to my fokes about all the new "truths" that i have learned in the last few months?.
chad inactive jw for 9 years now.... thanks
rolling rock
I have good parents. thay love me and tell me that thay just want me to be happy...But as of late I dont like being around them because it makes me sad... To make this problem harder it's not just my fokes, it's my hole damn famley. Both sides all of them are jws(all of them) I come from along line of jws...
Hi i am new
by rolling rock inhay all i am new and, just wanted to say hi.... and ask a question... how would i go about talking to my fokes about all the new "truths" that i have learned in the last few months?.
chad inactive jw for 9 years now.... thanks
rolling rock
Hay all I am new and, just wanted to say hi...
And ask a question... How would I go about talking to my fokes about all the new "truths" that I have learned in the last few months?
Chad inactive jw for 9 years now...